St Mark's Gillingham


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Teaching Session #39 - Sun 11th April 6.30pm
The second letter of Paul to the Corinthians

Main speaker - Graham Wilkins
Leader for the evening - Bernie Pinner

Graham writes:
"Paul's second letter to the Corinthians uncovers the serious issues that Paul had with this young church which seems to have been easily influenced by outside teachings that took them away from the Gospel.  We would have thought that after the amazing 1 Corinthians letter, this church would have had a strong basis on which to move forward, but the problems just seem to keep coming.
This is a very personal letter with a lot of testimony from the apostle Paul, and deals a heavy blow to the whole idea of a prosperity gospel."

Have your Bible ready, bring an open and enquiring mind and as always plenty of questions. 

Resources from the session:

There was an issue for the video as Graham's Zoom didn't screen share, so the flow chart he refers to is available separately.
       Bible teaching video         The missing flow chart is here as an image file
       Bible teaching audio
       Comments and Discussion video
       Comments and Discussion audio