Get Involved!
St Mark’s thrives on the willingness of our members to get involved in the life of the church. Here are the other areas of our community life where you can get involved.
If you would like to get involved in any of these areas or have another question about getting more involved in the life of the church, please contact the church office.
Audio Visual
Want to learn to operate the sound desk, mix feeds, record talks and facilitate multi-media presentations? This team is critical in helping our Sunday services run smoothly.
Contact: Chris Blewett or Mike Aldington
Catering Team
Throughout the year opportunities exist to organise, prepare and serve refreshments at different events and celebrations. If you feel able to assist in any way the team would love to hear from you!
Contact: Church Office
Flower Arrangers
Team members work individually on a rota basis, except at Easter, Harvest and Christmas when they work together as a whole team. Flower arranging is a creative form of praise and we would welcome anyone who feels they would like to join the team; experience not needed – learn as you go with the support of others!
Contact: Janet Mann
Medway Foodbank
Medway Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust network. We provide emergency food to local people in crisis. The Gillingham centre operates from St. Mark’s Church on Thursdays and Saturdays. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.
Contact: Paul Smith

Mission Links Task Group
The Mission Links Task Group meets twice a year. We hear news of St. Mark’s mission partners working all over the world, some in very difficult circumstances, and pray for their needs.
Contact: Glyn Allen or Denise Young
Prayer Ministry Team
Members of our Prayer Team are available on Sundays to pray with people, expecting the Lord to minister to them. If you would like to be part of the team, we can offer training and support.
Contact: Cindy Vigour
Residential Homes
We provide a ministry to the elderly by conducting a monthly service in Byron Lodge. If you have a heart for the elderly, please contact us for further details. Byron Lodge is situated on the corner of Rock Avenue and Byron Road.
Contact: Church Office
Sidesmen Team
These teams support our church wardens in ensuring that church services run smoothly by welcoming people at the door, ushering at communion services, engaging in the collection process and keeping account of attendance, to name but a few. If you feel you could help out and be part of one of these teams, we would love to hear from you.
Contact: Denise Young
Worship / Music Groups
Leading the church in worship is a great privilege and a vital part of our Sunday services. We are keen to encourage gifted musicians and singers, who are committed to St. Mark’s, to join one of our teams.
Contact: Kathryn Thom
If you would like to get involved in any of these areas or have another question about getting more involved in the life of the church, please contact the church office.