Teaching Session #37 - Sun 14th February 6.30pm
The letters of Paul to Titus and Philemon
Main speakers - David Wilkins and Graham Wilkins
Leader for the evening - David Wilkins
These are two of Paul's letters that don’t quite seem to fit in with the others, or have a context. But both of these short letters show Paul as a pastor sorting out some complicated and pastoral issues.
Bernie writes:
"When the church leaders are bad, who are you going to call? Ghostbusters is not the answer, so Paul put Titus on the job. After founding a church in Crete he left Titus behind to do much of the heavy lifting. A little known figure appearing only in Paul’s letters, Titus still had a mammoth task on his hands. What was Paul's plan or strategy to bring them back in line? And what do you do in a church based in a society who’s normal behaviour was against everything that it stood for? Bernie will examine this question as well as asking why Paul seemed especially grumpy in his letter and at times seems downright intolerant and rude."
David writes:
"This is Paul’s shortest letter. Philemon appears nowhere else in the Bible bar a passing comment in Colossians, and this letter chiefly deals with Onesimus, a runaway slave. This letter has raised many eyebrows. Why for example does Paul not use this letter to condemn slavery? Why is he begging Philemon to take Onesimus back? This letter in fact shows Pastor Paul dealing with an extremely delicate and difficult issue."
Have your Bible ready, bring an open and enquiring mind and as always plenty of questions. We will have both teaching slots, followed by one Q and A session to cover both letters.
Resources from the session:
Since the Bible Stream is now streamed online, there is the option to watch the video, or still just the audio as previously.